Last updated: March 21, 2025
What we’re asking
To assist staff and faculty in submitting expense reimbursement requirements, Finance & Integrated Services has put together a Reimbursing Expenses – “Carpe per Diem” online course. The goal of the course is for employees to be equipped to send expense reports that are ready for approval, without unnecessary delays and send backs.
We would like your help sharing this information to encourage staff and faculty who submit reimbursement expenses to take this course.
To learn more about the course, please visit:
For questions regarding the use of this communications toolkit, please contact:
Yvonne Kwok, Communications Manager, VPFO Communications & Engagement
Newsletter / Email copy
Finish the year and finesse your expense submissions
It’s not too late to register for the December 12 Reimbursing Expenses – “Carpe per Diem” Course. You can also register for the January or February session, if you prefer.
This foundational course addresses the “why’s” of completing your expense reports to minimize send-backs and increase reimbursement speed. If you are new to submitting expenses at UBC, either for yourself or as someone’s delegate, we highly recommend this live, virtually delivered session where you can have your questions answered.
Learn more and register: