Archives by date

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Facilities website

Gives key details about the departments in UBC Facilities as well as information on strategic initiatives and news.

UniForum@UBC website

Provides information about the UniForum initiative and UBC’s involvement, as well as how to connect with data from the study.

Finance website

Presents information from our central finance departments (Comptroller, Financial and Operational Excellence, Treasury) needed for financial tasks across the university, as well as pay and tax information for all UBC employees.

VPFO Portfolio website

Is a portal that provides information about and connections to our constituent departments, leadership, policies, and strategy, as well as news and updates from across the portfolio.

Workshop session: engaging your team with Zoom

COVID-19 has challenged us to rethink many aspects of how we work, from taking meetings online to redesigning paper-based processes. It takes extra effort to be understood and stay engaged — especially when moving to less familiar digital communications. To help you succeed, Communications & Engagement is offering a lighting fast, 15 minutes weekly zoom series to build up your skills.

McKinsey: a leader’s guide to communicating with teams, stakeholders, and communities during COVID-19

COVID-19’s speed and scale breed uncertainty and emotional disruption. How organizations communicate about it can create clarity, build resilience, and catalyze positive change.

Workshop session: using our websites

COVID-19 has challenged us to rethink many aspects of how we work, from taking meetings online to redesigning paper-based processes. It takes extra effort to be understood and stay engaged — especially when moving to less familiar digital communications. To help you succeed, Communications & Engagement is offering these lighting fast (just 15 minutes plus discussion time) weekly zoom meetings to build up your skills.

New Campaign: Cover Your Cough

Getting sick is never fun, but thankfully there are a few precautions we can all take to stay healthy and stop the spread of germs that make you and others sick. Help us spread the word, not germs!

What does good communications look like?

Research by international consulting firm Watson-Wyatt identified three communication traits of high-performance organizations while Deloitte identified four communication-related factors that help organizations achieve their goals.

Workshop session: working with VPFO Communications & Engagement

COVID-19 has challenged us to rethink many aspects of how we work, from taking meetings online to redesigning paper-based processes. It takes extra effort to be understood and stay engaged — especially when moving to less familiar digital communications. To help you succeed, Communications & Engagement is offering these lighting fast weekly zoom meetings to build up your skills.