Archives by date

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Workshop session: getting your message across

COVID-19 has challenged us to rethink many aspects of how we work, from taking meetings online to redesigning paper-based processes. It takes extra effort to be understood and stay engaged — especially when moving to less familiar digital communications. To help you succeed, Communications & Engagement is offering a lighting fast, 5-slides in 15 minutes weekly zoom series to build up your skills.

The VPFO is Working with the Rest of UBC in its Response to Covid-19

In this uncertain time the VPFO continues to provide some of UBC’s crucial services while protecting those that operate them.

Are you Ranger Ready? Visit the UBC Emergency Ranger Station on Feb 13 and find out!

Emergencies happen, and as UBC students, faculty, staff, and residents, we all have a role to play in emergency preparedness. Visit the UBC Emergency Ranger Station in the AMS Nest on February 13 to find out how you can prepare for an emergency, and get Ranger Ready!

Our Strategy in Action — Our New VPFO Feature Series

To illustrate the vision, values and priorities that animate our Strategic Plan, the VPFO has launched a quarterly story series that looks at the connection between people on our VPFO team, and how their individual efforts enable us to collectively support excellence in learning and research at UBC.