The Ubyssey

UBC’s Official Student Newspaper

The Ubyssey‘s print and online editions generate widespread coverage across campus


This channel is best when…

  • Communicating “good news” stories or placing advertisements that will help engage students.
  • Helping the student community understand UBC’s position on student issues.

When to change the channel?

  • Editorial control is owned by The Ubyssey. While you can try to steer your story in a certain direction, the journalist and editor make the ultimate decision.
  • Even though it is run by students, The Ubyssey operates like any other newspaper — stories that feature must be newsworthy, current and engaging. They must directly link back to how the information affects the student body and the overall mission of the university.
  • With any newspaper, stories must be pitched to the Editor. If they like the sound of the story idea, they will assign a journalist to interview the relevant spokesperson(s), and take photographs if necessary.


The Ubyssey is the definitive source of news on campus, and is the largest student newspaper in Western Canada. The print version is published every Monday and Thursday during the school year, but stories can appear online at any time.

How to access

Get in touch with your VPFO Communications advisor if you’re considering using this channel.