What’s the good news?
The VPFO portfolio consists of a range of diverse and highly specialized departments, each with its own communications requirements. One way we keep our teams updated is through a series of regular newsletters, at the VPFO and departmental level.
Considerations |
This channel is best when…
When to change the channel?
VPFO newsletters are administered by a variety of different individuals from across the VPFO. Content is provided by subject matter experts (SMEs) from every department, as well as from outside the portfolio. Our Communications & Engagement team provides strategic support and oversight.
More general information about newsletters is also available in the Plan section.
How to access
If you’re interested in sharing information on the VPFO newsletter network and you don’t know who to reach out to for access, get in touch with your VPFO Communications leader.
Our VPFO Newsletters
You can find information about each of our newsletters below, as well as past editions for some of them where possible. As the issues get older, some links to other UBC websites and resources may no longer work as items are archived or deleted.