VPFO Websites

We’ve got a lot going on online

In the VPFO we have a variety of websites that we’re constantly updating. We use these sites to provide updates on projects, teach the UBC community, communicate essential calendars and schedules, document business processes, and to tell stories about our team and the great work that it does.


This channel is best when…

  • you have financial-, operational-, or risk-based information to share to a public forum.
  • you know your specific audience. Each VPFO site has a different purpose and addresses different segments of the UBC audience.

When to change the channel?

  • There are many other websites outside the VPFO with different, specific audiences that may be a better (or complimentary) fit for your content. your VPFO communications advisor can help you find opportunities.
  • Information posted to a website is in the public eye and requires ongoing review and updating. If you don’t have the ability to meet this commitment, you don’t want to share it on a website.
  • If your content contains proprietary or confidential information… once it’s available in a digital format on a website it is likely to eventually become public.


VPFO websites are administered by a variety of different individuals from across the VPFO and content is provided by subject matter experts (SMEs) from every department, as well as from outside the portfolio. Our Communications & Engagement team provides strategic support and oversight.

More general information about websites is available in the Plan section.

How to access

If you’re interested in sharing information on the VPFO website network and you don’t know who to reach out to for access, get in touch with your VPFO communications advisor.

Our VPFO Websites