UBC Broadcast

When you absolutely need to reach everyone on campus

UBC Broadcast’s are used by the university’s senior leadership to communicate key, time-sensitive, campus-wide messages that are relevant to a large percentage of faculty, staff, and students on one or more campuses.


This channel is best when…

  • used to contact large target audiences such as all faculty, staff and students. An up to date distribution list pulled from UBC’s HR Management and Student Information System ensures accuracy.
  • content is planned and prepared at least two working days in advance.

When to change the channel?


Examples of what it may be used to communicate include:

  • Large scale announcements such as the UBC strategic plan
  • Executive appointments or changes at the VP level
  • Urgent campus safety updates/emergency planning
  • Messages from the President

For more information on when and how to use UBC Broadcast in your communication, please refer to this toolkit, created for faculty and staff by the UBC Internal Communications team.

UBC Broadcast is owned by the UBC Executive and operated by the central UBC Internal Communications team.  You can also get in touch with your VPFO Communications advisor to learn more about using this channel in an integrated plan.