Driving Purchases Beyond POs at UBC: High Value Purchasing

Last updated: March 21, 2025


Campaign Overview

To support faculty, staff, and their delegates who make purchases of goods and services over $75K, Financial Services & Strategic Procurement has put together a Driving Purchases Beyond Purchase Orders (POs) at UBC: High Value Purchasing online course. This session builds on the purchase order process to assist those involved in high value purchasing of goods and services; ensuring all requirements are addressed effectively within UBC’s guidelines and understanding what to expect when involved with such purchases.

We would like your help sharing this information to encourage faculty, staff, and others who are involved in this purchase process to take this course.

To learn more about the course, please visit: finance.ubc.ca/high-value-purchasing-course

Newsletter / Email copy

New course: Driving Purchases beyond POs at UBC: High Value Purchasing

Financial Services & Strategic Procurement Training is pleased to launch a third training session in their Purchasing series. Fasten your purchasing seat belts as we take to the road for the session “Driving Purchases beyond POs at UBC: High Value Purchasing.”

This session builds on the purchase order process to assist faculty and staff involved in high value purchasing of goods and services; ensuring all requirements are addressed effectively within UBC’s guidelines and understanding what to expect when involved with purchases over $75,000.00.

Learn more and register: finance.ubc.ca/high-value-purchasing-course


For questions regarding the use of this communications toolkit, please contact:

  • Yvonne Kwok, Communications Manager, VPFO Communications & Engagement yvonne.kwok@ubc.ca