Get off to a good start
We have a number of document templates available to use for planning and sharing information. These templates are designed to be flexible, and should be shaped and edited to suit your specific needs.
A communications plan is a tool to help you make sure you’re speaking with the right people, at the right time, in a way that will improve outcomes. It helps you to map from your overall goal to specific tactics that are all strategically and thematically aligned to push towards a measurable change in opinion and behaviour.
Communications Plan Template [Word]
Communications Brief Template [Word]
VPFO Audience Matrix for Engagement and Change [Excel]
Management & Executive Communications Tools
Whether communicating with peers, other departments, or senior executives, having your thoughts and messaging well-organized can help keep your business goals on-track and in-line with portfolio and university strategy.
Briefing Note Template [Word]
Information Toolkit Template [Word]
Memo Template [Word]
Staff Writing Tools
When reaching out into the university, we all represent the VPFO and UBC. These templates will help you put your best foot forward.
Generic Template [Word]
UBC Report Template [Word]
VPFO Report Templates [Word]
These Word templates allow you to write a document directly onto UBC letterhead.
UBC Letterhead [Word]
VPFO Letterhead [Word]
VPFO Facilities Letterhead [Word]
VPFO Finance & Integrated Services Letterhead [Word]
VPFO Treasury Letterhead [Word]
More templates and resources, including those for powerpoint, research posters, and publications, are available on the website. UBC’s Brand Identity Rules are also available here.
UBC Presentation Templates [PowerPoint]
VPFO Presentation Templates [PowerPoint]
UBC Facilities Presentation Templates [PowerPoint]
UBC Digital Signage Templates [PowerPoint]
VPFO Digital Signage Templates [PowerPoint]
Personal Branding
Here’s a few easy tools to get your personal communications aligned to the UBC brand and the VPFO look.
UBC Email Signature Generator website
VPFO Email Signature Guide [Word]
VPFO Virtual Call Backgrounds