VPFO Identity Development Framework

Last updated: July 8, 2024

Project Overview

The VPFO identity framework intends to create a consolidated look and feel to visually express the identity of the portfolio. The refreshed identity will build strength and clarity through a consolidated and consistent approach to communications, storytelling and the visual applications of our look and feel framework while clearly working as a supporting part of the UBC brand architecture.

The VPFO identity framework project aligns with the VPFO Strategic Plan, Strategic Direction 3: Inclusion – Cultural Transformation – Inspire, recruit, develop, and support people through a unified VPFO culture. This project aligns with Goal 3.1: Support our people, and Goal 3.2: Inspire our people through VPFO cultural norms and value. Learn more about our 2024-27 VPFO Strategic Plan.

Why is this important

The VP Finance & Operations (VPFO) is a vital part of UBC, and often operates out of the limelight. Yet, the portfolio’s impact is represented in the day-to-day commitment of our teams and how they support the well-being of our campus community.

The goal of this project is to create a unifying identity for the VPFO to help the campus community further recognize what the VPFO does and how our work supports all areas of the university to make UBC’s academic mission possible. From this work, a revised content strategy will be developed to help the campus community further recognize what the VPFO does and how our work aligns with UBC’s vision, purpose, and values.

The UBC brand is instantly recognizable to the global market. The intent is to continue to lead with the UBC brand and its elements while building a complementary and supporting VPFO identity (look and feel).

The concept

The concept is inspired by how the VPFO exists infinitely through time as students, faculty, and staff pass through their personal and professional transformations.

The resulting graphic is a unifying graphic system following the horizontal and angular pathways of the campus. As the VPFO has touchpoints throughout UBC, the cohesive and active network is depicted by a network of pathways that represent both the physical and non-physical, representing all of VPFO’s divisions and how our portfolio actively has touch points (sparks) throughout the university

The graphic system interconnects the different touchpoints or connections as the path charts out the structure the VPFO works in. The touchpoints or dials, are the sparks that happen at the intersections of our pathways. To help us tell our stories, these touch points can be highlighted and used as framing elements to focus on a person or group activity.

The modular tiles

The unifying graphic system is constructed of nine linear forms that are modular and connect to make an interlocking pathway. Each linear form is based on a continuous grid serving as a visual language for the cohesive pathways of the VPFO.

Each of these forms can be plugged into one another, rotated, repeated, or mirrored, creating a continuous grid, infinite combinations and patterns.

Each tile incorporates one rounded corner, adding interest, diversity and to soften the overall effect. These forms are the basis of the VPFO graphic elements.

The touchpoints

The touchpoints or dials, are the sparks that happen at the intersections of our pathways. The placement of the sparks represents how the people of the VPFO actively has touchpoints throughout UBC. Positioned at the bends, intersections and round corners of the graphic to represent sparks of interaction and a dynamic conveyor belt.


This summer, the VPFO Communications & Engagement team is working through how best to integrate the new look and feel into our day-to-day channels and templates. The consistency with which these visual elements are used, will help create an identity that is associated with trust which in turn increases the equity and the visibility of the VPFO portfolio.

We are also working on an Visual identity governance guide, to document guidelines and best practices that will be used to communicate the essence of who we are. These visual identity guidelines is intended to help VPFO teams execute the identity framework with confidence and strengthen and unify the experience of our staff and the broader University community.

What’s next?

In the coming months, VPFO Communications & Engagement will start to integrate the new VPFO look and feel into some of our VPFO channels:

  • Website: Some of our VPFO website headers and images will start to include the VPFO look and feel. We are working through all our websites and aim to have them completed before the end of summer.
  • Newsletters: We are working on refreshing all our departmental and portfolio newsletter templates, so you will start to see the new look and feel incorporated in the new few months.
  • Digital signage: We are working to refresh our digital signage strategy across all VPFO work locations, and will be reviewing how best to integrate the new VPFO look and feel.
  • Signage: We will be reviewing different types of physical signage for consideration whether they are in or out of scope as part of this project. Once identified, we will begin transitioning specific signage on the UBC Vancouver campus to incorporate the new look and feel, and/or update to align with our current organizational structure.
  • Departmental campaigns: Campaigns that run out of our portfolio will include the VPFO look and feel going forward.

Please stay tune for more updates!

Project Contact

If you are interested in learning more about this project, please reach out to Yvonne Kwok, Manager, Communications at yvonne.kwok@ubc.ca.